Vinyl mastering
Vinyl mastering is the process between the final mixdown of your audio material and the vinyl cutting and pressing stage. Every single track released by a major record label on vinyl has been treated this process. We can create a vinyl master for audiophiles or for DJ’s which is suitable for cutting and replication.
Because the demand of the end user has changed over the years there is a limit to what you can do and don’t on vinyl. The frequency response and dynamics of today’s studio equipment is much wider then what would technically fit on vinyl. Without mastering there is a big risk the vinyl would end up with distortion ,a low audio-level, or even skipping.
We deliver vinyl mastering tailor made for your application.
Taking the demands of the end user into account, we can provide two different types of mastering: High-end mastering and DJ mastering.

High-end mastering
If your Vinyl release is intended for playback by audiophiles then we would make a completely different master compared to a master intended for playback in the clubs by a DJ. Our High end mastering is not focused on just a loud cutting.
Our High-end mastering is all about mastering for the high–end listener who prefers a clean and warm sound above a high output level.
To achieve this we apply the less is more approach when mastering.
Our studio’s are acoustically treated and we use a high end loudspeaker system that was custom built especially for mastering work. We have analog mastering equipment from Maselec, Manley and Shadow hills to preserve the finest analog details from the recording.
We work for Premium High End Recording Labels like STS Digital that make their own high end analog recordings and only settle for the best possible audiophile sound.
Contact us for more information.
If your Vinyl release is intended for playback by DJ’s in the clubs you need a loud cutted vinyl. This also prevents feedback from the club’s PA system. Our goal on mastering for DJ-vinyl is to optimize the sound for loud playback in clubs while preserving superior sound quality and still making it suitable for vinyl cutting.
Over the last ten years we’ve got a lot of feedback from producers and DJ’s. We also follow the latest trends in mastering and are always open for suggestions. We can advice (new) producers on how to mix their tracks (technically). This enables us to produce the maximum quality for your productions. Our mastering engineers have DJ and producer experience so we know what kind of problems DJ’s and producers are facing.
Since the last ten years we’ve mastered over 1000 DJ-vinyl releases. We developed our own special mastering techniques to give your track the potential to compete against other commercial productions in terms of sound, loudness and punch.
Contact us for more information.