Why is your online mastering so affordable?
Our mastering is so affordable because the mastering session is unattended. Therefore we can work more efficiently and keep the overhead costs low.
So you will only pay for the actual mastering. We work with a small team of mastering engineers who all have over 17 years of experience in mastering. Because of this we can work fast and efficiently and gaining a high quality.
During our research on the internet we have discovered that some studios offer mastering for much lower and much higher prices.
When you want to have your tracks mastered keep the following in mind:
Paying only 15 euros for a track can not give you professional quality. Because it takes time to get to know the track to make the right mastering decisions. Also you need specialized equipment and a professional listening environment. You do not have to be an accountant to see that 15 euros can not cover this. On the other hand charging 99 euros or even more for conventional stereo online mastering is something which is nowadays not realistic.