Markus Schultz – Miami ’05
(©2005 Armada Music/ARMA0??)
01. Hydroid Blue Tubes
02. Interstate I Found You (Harry Lemon Mix)
03. Kalafut & Fygle 3579 km
04. Hammer & Bennett Baltic Sea
05. Fluid in Motion Soul Dimension
06. Keo Close Enough (Noel Sanger Mix)
07. Jose Amnesia presents Tiffany Heaven Drops
08. Lens Let The Light In
09. Arenok Free Yourself
10. Ave Mea In The End
11. Quarter Century Jagermaestro
12. Max Graham feat. Jessica Jacobs I Know you’re Gone
01. Bakke & Ljungqvist Fanatic
02. Steve May Sublimate
03. Sundawner Sorrow
04. Yilmaz Altanhan Eighties (Original Mix)
05. Nikola Gala A Dream Came Through
06. Attention Deficit What
07. Markus Schulz Electro Hairspray
08. Jellisimo Yael
09. Özgür Can Connected (Santiago Nino Remix)
10. Mike Foyle presents Statica Space Guitar
11. Progresia presents Sokaya A Little Hazy Morning
12. Hammer & Bennett Language